Saturday, December 31, 2011

New year = New Life in the making

It is officially a new year ladies and gentlemen. And with a new year comes hordes of New Years Resolutions, and here's mine. Create a better more functional me complete with proper medication when needed, and possible talk therapy that will actually work. Okay, it does seem a bit grim sounding for those of you who don't "know me," but I do need these things. Hopefully not forever, but as long as I need them I will strive to attain them.

My life at this moment is complicated and yet simple at the same time. I have no "home" to call my own as of yet. I am living with a group of the most remarkably abnormal people I have ever met, and I mean that in the BEST  possible sense.

First there is Eric, my loving boyfriend of one year (Oct 2, 2010). Queer in his own rights and a bit hot headed at times, I love him all the same. No matter what quirks I disagree with, and he knows the ones I am talking naughty monkey.

Second, there is April. One of the wisest women I have ever met. She has this saying "that a cookie is sometimes just a cookie." For those of you who know the matrix you can grasp the meaning. For those who don't, too bad for you.

Then, or third, if you are keeping score, there is Jon (hope I spell that right). Quirkiest person alive, a living chaotic storm wrapped in this net of total calm and composure.

There is not a day that I don't have a confused or dumbfounded look on my face around these people.

OKAY, so down to the awesome. I plan to write at least once a day on this blog. Either I will write about the day I had or the people that piss me off. And YES there is a plethora of people out there that piss me off on a daily basis. Either by sheer stupidity, or by nit picking about inane meaningless crap and consumerism.  Or I will try to wrote a short story that I compiled into this torrent that is my head.

Here is where YOU come in... I will need to you tell your friends to tell there friends friends to follow and read what I write and comment on it. I need more people to be interested in what I have to say, at least enough to debate me or say "right on." And yes this is for a bit of self validation, at least on a web level, LOL. And everyone needs a bit of validation, even the strongest willed person. Especially FAMILY, newly rediscovered family at that too.

So here is too a great new year to family, friends, and friends not met yet. May you be blessed with enough of all you need