Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Okay, Wal-Mart customers are EVIL...or at the very least, they are in need of a nappy-time. I have never seen so many uptight, overly pampered, spoiled, scavengers in my LIFE.
I am poor, well...I am in the poverty bracket. I understand that money is tight, and you wanna save a few bucks on the things you need. There is however a point when you become an unstoppable Juggernaut of GIMME GIMME GIMME goons. All you want is more, and there is a limit and a thing called moderation.
Let me give you an example..

Mrs.Thang finishes her shopping and decides it is time to head home. As she is standing in line getting items scanned, she notices that an item is priced differently than she thought. "I thought that was $3.88," she inquired of the cashier. Upon an item inquiry the cashier informs her that the item is not listed at that price nor does it have a mark down sticker. Mrs.Thang does not like the fact that she was questioned and denied. "But IT WAS ON THE CLEARANCE RACK...right over there..." she bellows. The cashier silently sighs, "Ma'am, can you show me where." As they reach the clearance items the cashier notices that no other item of that type is in that section. He even has an associate working that area check the coding on the item. It was found that the item was in fact, NOT on clearance. "WELL it WAS ON THE THE CLEARANCE RACK, AND IF THIS WAS K-MART THEY WOULD OF JUST DID THE PRICE I ASKED FOR." She argued her case to the best of her abilities. The cashier and the associate explained. Items are sometimes left in the wrong place by other customers who decide not to purchase that item. Just because the item was placed in this area, does not mean it belongs in that area. Mrs. Thang, she did not like the fact that she was being educated by lowly associates. "Well, K-mart would do it, I guess I won't get it then...

I would finish, but its just the end of the check out...bottom line..The associate know 100x more than you, DON'T ARGUE. My policy, "The Customers Alway THINK They Are Right" that's why I take my time to look at the item I am getting and get the actual price. Its not hard, just ask someone. And if an associate tells me NO, I accept it. Sometimes things just can't be done. It sucks, I know it does, but boundaries are needed.

Another thing people, Its called the express lane for a REASON. The 20 items or less policy, its not a challenge, its a limit. In all actuality, the Express Lane is for people with maybe 4 or 5 items at most. But people come through with 19 or 20 items because the register is RIGHT THERE. Well your 20 items is holding up the person with 2 items. ASSHOLE..

And another thing, know what you are doing when you get to the register, DO NOT be digging through your purse for a penny or loose change. Have your card, check, or bills out and ready. That's why they are the EXPRESS LANES...MORONS. Grandma standing there, “Oh, I know I have the nickle...If I can find that nickle in all this stuff I won't get change back, just bills...hehe” MOVE IT GRANNY

And if you don't want something, PUT IT BACK WHERE IT GOES. I know it is easier to just drop an item anywhere, or hand it to the cashier, I have done it too. But it is a giant hassle for the cashier. Put it back where you got it and everyone will be happy. You have burned a few extra calories, and the cashier will have one less thing to worry about.

But whats even worse than all the customers, its the manager who placate to these idiots. Look, I do my job fairly well, If I ask for a price check on a price dispute. DO NOT JUST TELL ME TO GIVE THEM THE PRICE...that makes me look like an idiot and I want nothing more than to shove the item down your throat....I have a method to my madness that is HONEST BUSINESS...When I call for a price check I want someone to check the area to see if there is any misplaced signage. Also to check to see if the area needs to be cleaned or re-organized. Or to make sure that the associates working in that area are made aware of the possible missed clearance items.

EXAMPLE...A woman came to me the other day and said that there was a sign that priced an item one price, and another sign for exact same item for a totally different price. I did check myself and there was indeed two signs for the exact item at different prices. Well, on my way back my manager met me and asked why I was away from the register and why I did not call for a price check. I gave him the situation and he said to give the lady the lower price. I was fine with that, but I asked who I needed to call to get the right pricing in the area. He brushed off my question and said, (not direct quote) “Just give the lady the lower price,” and he walked away. I felt like a total idiot. There I was trying to fix a mistake that could cause trouble in the future for not only other cashiers but produce as well, and I was basically told to fuck off.

Its for that reason ALONE...that I do not try to go above and beyond my job description. I get brushed off and tossed to the side as just an ignorant “associate.”

Well enough ranting about my job. May your days give you enough....Till next time.


I don't really have the highest list of readers. You can check for yourself, not too many people follow my postings. However, for the faithful few, I have returned. And yes, I have updates.

Homeless Crisis...AVERTED...I found a cute little place rooming with a straight couple. Her name is Alisha, and his name is Eric. Yes yes I know, I have collected another Eric to go along with my namesake. Anyways, Alisha is a bubbly brunette vegitarian. And I do mean BUBBLY. and Eric (called Esquire by April because well my Eric is Eric1, I am Eric2, and the new Eric is #3, and she is tired of counting so he is now Esquire). If you know April in real life, it makes perfect sense and is brilliant.

Job crisis.....in flux..I HAVE FOUND A JOB..I am now a cashier at WAL~MART working part-time...YES part-time. I have requested more hours and a bump to full-time asap. I make enough money to cover my expenses at least. Rent, Food, Phone, Utilities...they are covered. I just don't and won't have money for personal things that I want. Not the biggest problem in the world, so I am not burdened by frills. At least I have a roof over my head, and food in my belly. I can make due.

So for all of you who were wondering....I am doing better. NOT WONDERFUL, but not dreadful either. Well readers, I will clothes this blog for now. May your days give you enough. Till next time.