Monday, February 20, 2012

The Abyss and the Angel (Part 3)

Back on the shore they sat in silence. Paul was dripping wet and cold in the night air, but he didn't really notice the cold. He was fixated on what he wanted to say first. Thousands of questions raced through his head, but none of them seemed right. He was searching for the absolute right thing to say. He didn't really know what you actually say to angels. There's not really a manual on such a thing, except maybe the bible. Then it hit him, "so this means there really is a god," he uttered aloud.
"Nope, nothing of the sort." Alex answered.
"But aren't angels like the messengers of God or something like that?"
Alex sat there for a minute thinking on the question. He looked up into the stars and around at the darkened forest around them. "My existence neither proves nor disproves the existence of God or any other god-like figure." His answer was snide and short.
"Well, IF there is a God, give him a message. HE SUCKS."
Alex let out a small laugh and shook his head. "It figures, what youth isn't mad at God for some reason or another. You know you humans are a real piece of work, you know that. Anytime anything bad happens you blame God for it, or worse, you pray that he makes it all better.Learn to stand up for a change. You have two good legs." They both sat there looking at each other.
"God took everything from me. My family is now dead, gone forever. And where was God in all that time. Where was he when I was laying in pain or through all those surgeries."
"All that was gods fault right. No, don't blame the drunk driver who slammed into you. It wasn't his fault for being wasted, God made him have those cocktails. Don't be mad at God dude."
"So there IS a God?" Paul cried out triumphantly.
"I have no idea if there is or isn't a God. Honestly I've never met him or her or whatever it is. I am told where to go and what to do and was created with the knowledge of how to do it from birth. If you can call it a birth. One day poof, bright ass light and there I was. For one hundred and two years I haven't changed, haven't grown older. I've just been. Besides, humans can't handle the truth about God even if I knew what it was. The knowledge of God existence would only hurt you. Everything would change because you humans would stop growing. Its those unanswered questions that you strive for. Faith would end, the quest for knowledge would cease to be. So don't ask me if God is real, I don't know. If you want to know so bad you find him and ask him yourself."
"Dude, you're one hundred and 2 years old."
"Yep, I was made in 1910." Alex paused to reflect on his life for a moment.
"How did you know it was a drunk driver?""Because I am your guardian angel. The moment you became my charge I knew everything about you. From conception those seconds right before I stepped out from the trees. I know you inside and out. Its kind of a freaky thing you know."
Again there was silence, but it was relaxed. Paul still had questions racing in his head, and every second just made one more pop up.

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