Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Abyss and the Angel (Part 2)

Paul ran as fast as his feet could take him. He had no clue what direction he was headed, and he didn't care. That scene was absolutely the strangest singular experience he had ever faced. The idea of an "Angel." It was beyond his comprehension. Not to mention the audacity of such a being appearing now.
Tree branches, thistles, and briars scratched at him as he made his way through the dark. He didn't actually know how fast he was going, but he tried to increase his speed with every step. He could smell the metallic twinge coming from what he guessed were small gashes along his face. He didn't care. He knew he had to get away. Just run, run to where ever he ended up running too. If it was daytime, he would of seen the edge, but over  he fell. Down, farther and father, till a burning splash into a local lake. As soon as he came up for air he knew where he was. The "Drop." A local spot for the youth of his uncomfortable little town. He had come many times but never stepped foot into the water. The water was cool against his body. All that running had taken more out of him than he thought. He floated there panting, totally out of breath but happy to just be away. And far away at that.
He looked up and the stars twinkled like diamond glitter glued to a black velvet sky. The ebb and flow of the water swept him up and down in a calming rhythmic manner. I was the most at peace he had felt in quite a while. Thinking back to what got him running and in this situation, he realized it must of been all in his head. A minor moment of temporary insanity. The very thought of an angel coming to him made him laugh. And there he floated, laughing at the sky, the trees, the very world around him. But what he heard and seen next caused his blood to run so cold, the cool water felt as if it were boiling in comparison.
"Oh you poor little laughing fool...Did you really think you could outrun something like me"
The calm ripple of the water turned to splashed as again Paul was running for his life. Except in this case he was swimming, quite badly at that fact. So bad in fact that he swam right in front of his "Angel." Who was now standing above him at the deepest part of the lake.
"How in the fucking hell...." that's about the extent of what Paul could huff out at Alex.
Alex chuckled a little. "How the hell what?"
"How the hell are you doing that?"
"Oh, walking on water. An old friend taught me this quite a while ago. I think its spiffy, don't you."
" you are, standing on water. Being one of the bat shit craziest thing I have ever seen, and you say 'SPIFFY"
"I happen to like spiffy thank you very much. What the hell is wrong with spiffy, its a good word."
"It has to be one of the lamest words in the English language."
"Oh and drolly oozing out a unemotional "cool" or a surf-tastic "awesome" is any better."
There Paul floated and there Alex stood. One in the water and one on the water. The most bizarre spectacle ever witnessed by modern man, and no one was there to see it.

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