Saturday, January 7, 2012

Things that I have lost.....

Over the past few months I have lost a lot of things. Some of them superficial and materialistic, and some more substantial. While the substantial items/things are more important, this blog is going to be about the superficial and materialistic. I know, I my current state I need to be focused more than ever on obtaining stability, but I am human damn it. And as I human I crave and want things. All humans crave and want things, its generally the reason for some if not most of the worlds problems. But wanting is not the why, just the foundation. But I will NOT get all guru on everyone.

The things I miss the most (substantial and materialistic things), are my games and systems, my PS2 and my Nintendo DSi XL. Here is why...I owned my most favorite game EVER...well its a game series..

Kingdom Heart I and II. I friggin LOVE those games. Sora and the Disney characters, its so much fun. And also my Final Fantasy X and X2. I love the story line and the graphics. Its a beautiful game. And those games are on the PS2...
And secondly is my DSi XL. I felt so good buy it NEW. I hardly ever have the ability to buy something pretty and NEW. And I loved my favorite game, POKEMON. Yes yes its a kids game but it is fun to play so get over it.

And I do realize that these things are not needed in life. I am not bogged down by too many superficial things. I try to focus my energies on creating and getting needed things...Home, food, clothes, blah blah blah. But this blog is about superficiality. So again GET OVER IT.

I am aloud to be a little materialistic. My life has SUCKED for so long and I think, and this is gonna sound bad, but I have earned a few frillies here and there. I am not talking about the ability to buy everything and anything I want anytime I want. Just a few things I can call my own.

So, if you ever wondered, "Hmmm, what can I get Eric for ...<add whatever holiday here>?" This is what I would want. A Nintendo 3DS with Pokemon Black or White, you choose cause you will be getting it for me. A Wii game console with the game Zelda: Skyward Sword. OR a PS3 with a good RPG game, no shooter, no sports game, and no racing/car game.

That is all...I am ending it here. May you be blessed with enough......

Oh and PS: Yes I do realize that this is kind of like a GIMME GIMME GIMME rant, but I am okay with that.

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