Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Homosexual Menace...

Okay I admit the title of this blog is a bit misleading. That is of course because I myself am a homosexual, and NO I am not a menace in any way shape or form. However I do have a point t make about homosexuality. Now if my scattered brain can only put that thought into a concise paragraph, I could live my life happily...hence the menacing part. But I will attempt to paint a clear picture for all to see.

There are many debates out there surrounding the HOMOSEXUAL, gays and lesbians specifically (I will not even try to get into bisexuals, I don't think I have the time or patience for it). There are some that think that there is a "Homo-gene." A strand or combination of the genetic code that make someone a homosexual. Then there are those who see homosexuality as a form of mental disease. A debilitating affliction that hinders a person from being able to make rational conscientious decisions. Just ask the US government. Then there are those who believe that its the devil and his nefarious plot to trap men and women into his web of hellish lies...OOOOO. Then there are those (like me) who have no clue what it is, or where it comes from. But even though I don't know the exact reason, I do have an bare with me as I unfurl my inner minds most complex workings. Well not MOST complex.

There is a fundamental truth that connects all creatures to one another. This singular drive is the link that binds us to the whales, ants, bees, dogs, cats, etc etc....That drive, that truth, that the need to procreate (make babies). All creatures have a natural urge and yearning to "get it on." Especially we humans. Its on our minds more than any other thought. When we  brush our teeth, we are thinking about sex. When we eat we are thinking about sex. When we sleep we are thinking about sex. And even when we are having sex, we are thinking about sex. And thats where the problem lies. For humans sex is no longer about simple procreation. Because of our society, our history, and even our very nature, sex has become about more a connection and about pleasure.

Unlike humans, most animals face a daunting task when it comes to mating. For most animals, finding a mate is hard enough, but they must also choose the best mate possible. A mate that will provide a healthy genetic code for the next generation. The offspring must be able to run fast, jump high, fly long distances, fight off rivals, smell prey or find food, fight off disease. Also be able to withstand drought, famine, over population under population: the list goes on and on. But for humans, the choice is merely finding someone attractive enough willing to participate.

For eons humans have been advancing more and more away from their natural roots. I am not talking coming from apes, or fish, or whatever. I am talking about the way we survive. If humans come across a deadly bacteria/virus, we create a medicine. If we need shelter from hot/cold/wet/dry, we build sky high fortresses. If we come across a dangerous animal, we shoot it, mount it, and display it on our walls. We can overcome disease famine poverty whatever comes our way. We can extend life in some cases with herbs, pills, whatever. Nature has tried to keep us in balance, but we keep fighting back. We keep thriving, and procreating, and expanding without boundaries. So, it is my belief that nature has devised a way to keep us in check. And that is where Homosexuality comes in.

What better way to thin the herd then to make it so some humans don't make babies. While at the same time making it so we still seek out the needed connections for social development. the whole point of homosexuality is NOT to procreate. A most brilliant plan by nature if I do say so myself. Because honestly, soon there won't be anywhere to put ourselves at the rate we are going. And there will be no resources to sustain ourselves either. That is just my idea of the subject at least. You may of may not agree with me. That is okay. You may see it another way. I am open to any and all thoughts...almost. Except the bible, but that is another subject I will not get into this evening thank you very much.

If you have a valid SCIENTIFIC thought, comment. Till then...May you be blessed with Enough...

1 comment:

  1. This is definitely a different point of view. At the fragile age of fertility, celebacy is not practiced by many due to the lack of self control. I agree that there will be if there isn't already, an over-population problem. Is this nature's way of solving this problem? I'm still thinking. I still believe that you are who you are and should be loved and respected for that.
    Also, there's another point I would like to comment on. You only commented on the sexual aspect of homosexuality. I would also like to comment on the other part of it that many straight people don't understand. Gays and lesbians are not the sexually immoral monsters that most think they are. They are intelligent loving, caring people who are in committed relationships. Even though they are unable to procreate, many are raising children, and many of these children are from people who didn't want them, drug babies or kids with disabilities, because there biological parents couldn't handle taking care of them. I personally know a wonderful couple who have three beautiful children. They are more stable and loyal to each other than the majority of hetrosexual relationships I've seen.
    So it's not just what happens below the waist, it's also what happens from the heart up.
    I know I got off your point, but your topic brings up many more to mind, Eric. Good bag, Son.
