Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Here We are.

I guess this is where it all starts, my first real blog, WOOT!

I have  never done the whole blog thing before so this whole process is quite new to me. What purpose does a blog actually serve? I guess I am going to find out first hand. I guess I should start out by explaining who and what I am. To put it simply, I have no clue who or what I am. I guess I am the product of my environment, at least that sounds like the best answer I can think of at the moment.

My name is Eric, that's pretty much all you are gonna get as far as names go, unless you wanna call me Mouse. I am currently 27 years old. Not young but not old, somewhere in the middle. I am finding that life is HARD beyond all my previous perceptions. No, I didn't think life was easy, nor that it was gonna be easy, but this is ridiculous. I am unemployed, I was trying to go to school, trying to better myself, but it all came to a crash. At least for the moment. The worse part is that I was making VERY good grades. I mean A's and B's in ALL my classes. Now that has to wait because I have to find a JOB. Now that's HARD, let me tell you.

Its not that I don't have experience, I do. In a lot of things actually. Food service, Hospitality, Customer Service, Retail Sales, minor Administration. I can type 52 words a minute with a 91% accuracy rate. I didn't start working till I was in roughly 18 or 19. So I got 9 years of experience behind my belt. Different area but that just means I have seen different areas. I am not a bad worker either, quite a good one at that. I am dedicated, loyal, hard working (smart working as well). I am hardly ever late. So why is it so hard to find a job.

Wow, I guess I got off topic, though I didn't really have a topic, did I? Here's a topic, why did i pick "That's a good bag," as the name of my Blog. Great story actually, one told to me by April, a friend.

April's grandmother was a pack rat of sort, collecting everything from twist ties to bread bags. She even kept the boxes of mushy grey boiled broccoli served on the meals of wheels program she was a part of.  She couldn't bring herself to throw anything away, especially food. One day, as April was bringing in her grandmothers groceries, she found that there was no room in the freezer for anything that they had bought. The freezer was filled with tiny boxes of uneaten, grey, frozen broccoli. April, having common sense, said that she was going to throw out the uneaten broccoli. This didn't please grandma, who began stating that she didn't want to throw it out. So April, in her brilliance, threw all the broccoli Frisbee style out the terrace window. She then decided to, since she was cleaning anyways, clean out the clutter from grandmas kitchen. In the midst of what i could only imagine to be flying debris and a hyperventilating old woman, April found a bread box. In said bread box there were bags, not bread, but bags. Hundreds of tiny bread bags, stuffed to capacity. As April reached in, grandma said, "No, that's a good bag."

April has a funnier way of telling tales, I was rolling. But now when something good, or even bad happens that amuses me, I like to say "That's a good bag." It's my new philosophy in life. It incorporates the idea that while things may be excellent for one person, the same thing could also be trash to another. Life is full of things like that.

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