Monday, June 13, 2011

This IRKS me

I know that there are fads coming and going everyday. It is just something that happens, but there is one fad that I just cannot wrap my head around. VEHICLE TESTICLES.I HATE these things.

For one thing, it is the tackiest display of idiocy I have ever seen in my life. Your car does not need a pair of brass balls. What sort of ego-maniacal misogynist though of this crap. I get the imagery, I am not a moron. You have a hard working vehicle capable of doing anything, woop-dee-do...We don't need to see a shiny scrot swinging at us. Its distracting to drivers. And lets face it, Austin drivers DO NOT need to be distracted.

Second, where are all the right wing conservatives when you need them. Wouldn't this be indecent exposure or something. Isn't this offensive to all you "God fearing" people, I would think it would be. It's offensive me, and I am sort of left, I think...Who cares, its annoying.

Third, and most important. I can tell you this with no shame, I LOVE NUDITY. Guys, girls, thick thin: I am down with bare flesh. I have no problems with nudism. Its groovy and it feels good, so don't think I am against the human body. However, there are appropriate times for it. At a social gathering where it is preplanned and discussed. Local swimming holes where people are hot and just wanna cool down. Tanning out in the sun to get a nice golden color. All these things are good. Well, there can be issues with tanning for stupid people, but I will leave that for you to decide. But the idea of a mother driving her kids to work behind a truck that is WAY too big for this economy having to explain WHY the thing has woohoos is something else. Its disturbing to say the least.

I am all for parent/child sex talks. Kids need to know all they can about sex, its impacts, and how things work, and that whole sh-peel, but there are better ways of starting such a conversation. It should not have to be provoked by the "MACHO-RIDE" zooming down the block dangling like a porn star on a hot day.

I know that as a whole, humans are stupid. All of us are, even me. But there has to be a point where common sense comes into play...I HOPE.

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